Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers

PAULA PELL & JANINE BRITO Rented a Bad Omen Camper

Episode Summary

Seth and Josh welcome the first married couple on the pod (besides the Meyers parents), the talented and hysterical Paula Pell and Janine Brito! From their childhood stories of Paula fishing and Janine living in Hong Kong, to their roadtrip from hell across the U.S., and even the animal sanctuary they’ve created at their home, Paula and Janine came with a ton of fun stories to share!

Episode Notes

Seth and Josh welcome the first married couple on the pod (besides the Meyers parents), the talented and hysterical Paula Pell and Janine Brito! From their childhood stories of Paula fishing and Janine living in Hong Kong, to their roadtrip from hell across the U.S., and even the animal sanctuary they’ve created at their home, Paula and Janine came with a ton of fun stories to share!