Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers

DAX SHEPARD Wasn’t Sure About Will Arnett

Episode Summary

There's only one guest that could fit SO many funny stories into one episode and that's the one and only podcast guru himself, Dax Shepard. Seth and Josh talk to Dax about everything from getting woken up in the middle of the night to go on road trips during his childhood, to vacations with his own family today, and more. Submit your family trip stories or question for Seth and Josh here:

Episode Notes

There's only one guest that could fit SO many funny stories into one episode and that's the one and only podcast guru himself, Dax Shepard. Seth and Josh talk to Dax about everything from getting woken up in the middle of the night to go on road trips during his childhood, to vacations with his own family today, and more. Submit your family trip stories or question for Seth and Josh here: